I would like to use provide an honest review as this app is definitely not cheap and I hope this will help others before they decide to buy it. In terms of overall design and productivity, this is a great app. And if you also value your privacy this is the app to get as it does not save any emails or login information on a server/cloud.
But the problem is that it doesn’t work all the time. It crashes a lot when you move between different folders, usually you need to “pull to refresh” in order for the folder to show you the correct emails, and background update of badges and notifications don’t really work. And since it is created by only 2 developers customer support is pretty much zero. I have tried many times to contact them via the app and on twitter but haven’t received a single response so far.
But to be fair, I must say that the app does perform better on my iPad Pro (doesn’t crash as much as on my iPhone SE), but badges and notifications don’t work.
Nick213465 about Dispatch: Email meets GTD, v3.3